SIF: Baratheon Heroes #2
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Contents:7 Miniatures
‣ Ser Cortnay Penrose
‣ Renly Baratheon
‣ Olenna Tyrell
‣ Brienne of Tarth, Rainbow Guard
‣ Margery Tyrell
‣ Ser Loras Tyrell
‣ Ser Eldon Estermont
6 Attachment Cards
4 NCU Cards
24 Tactics Cards
‣ Ser Cortnay Penrose
‣ Renly Baratheon
‣ Olenna Tyrell
‣ Brienne of Tarth, Rainbow Guard
‣ Margery Tyrell
‣ Ser Loras Tyrell
‣ Ser Eldon Estermont
6 Attachment Cards
4 NCU Cards
24 Tactics Cards