Eldfall Chronicles: Reinforcements Pack - Wayfarers
Free Company
$ v.option1 == myState.option1 && v.option2 == myState.option2 && v.option3 == myState.option3)[0].variantPrice || 'selected options not available'">128.00
Two new adventurers for each of the four factions. Ideal for expanding your party creation options.
8 Miniatures
‣ 2 Mushas (Bowmaster/Blademaster)
‣ 2 Flameweavers (Errant/Noble)
‣ 2 Slayer Dragoons (Mounted/Dismounted)
‣ 2 Spelldancers (Voidcaster/Aeroturge)
7 Bases (32mm)
1 Base (50mm)
8 Profile Cards