HammerHouse 0
Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes
Games Workshop


This 104-page hardback book contains:

A glut of fascinating background material on the Ogor Mawtribes, including their endless Mawpath migrations, worship of the Gulping God, and resurgence in the Era of the Beast

Chilling artwork depicting the ogors' ravenous appetite for battle and flesh alike

28 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for rampaging brutes, from the stealthy Bloodpelt Hunter to the gastromantic Great Mawpot

Rules for the 6 mightiest Mawtribes, plus command traits, artefacts of power, spell lores, prayers, mount traits, and battle traits like Might Makes Right and Trampling Charge

Path to Glory campaign rules that send you on a plundering Mawpath to earn Big Names, plus a new battleplan and 8 warscroll battalions for use in narrative play

Matched play content, including 4 grand strategies, 6 battle tactics, and 4 core battalions for Beastclaw Raiders and gnoblar scrappers

An inspirational gallery of Ogor Mawtribes miniatures, with painting guides to get your collection ready for the tabletop

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