Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

Vampire: the Eternal Struggle (or VTES for short) is a multi-player collectable card game based on the award-winning Vampire: the Masquerade role playing game in which players take on the role of ancient vampires known as a Methuselahs. Considered mere legend by many, Methuselahs rule everything from the shadows, engaging in a eons-long Machiavellian conflict that encompasses political, social, and even physical warfare. The struggle is won or lost based on the actions taken by your minions – younger vampires who unknowingly do your bidding. In this way, the game can allow for deep and immersive storytelling as your minions purchase equipment, hire retainers, even suggest legislative changes to vampiric society, all in the service of your dark plots.

Fifth Edition: Lasombra Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Fifth Edition: Lasombra

Regular price $34.00 SGD
30th Anniversary - The Endless Dance Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

30th Anniversary - The Endless Dance

Regular price $48.00 SGD
Fifth Edition: Tzimisce Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Fifth Edition: Tzimisce

Regular price $34.00 SGD
Fifth Edition: Salubri Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Fifth Edition: Salubri

Regular price $34.00 SGD
Fifth Edition: Ravnos Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Fifth Edition: Ravnos

Regular price $34.00 SGD
Shadows of Berlin Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Shadows of Berlin

Regular price $19.00 SGD
Ultra Pro Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Faceless night 50pc sleeves Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Ultra Pro Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Faceless night 50pc sleeves

Regular price $12.00 SGD
New Blood: Ministry Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

New Blood: Ministry

Regular price $19.00 SGD
Ultra Pro Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Library 50pc sleeves Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Ultra Pro Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Library 50pc sleeves

Regular price $12.00 SGD
Ultra Pro Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Theo Bell 50pc sleeves Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

Ultra Pro Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Theo Bell 50pc sleeves

Regular price $12.00 SGD
New Blood: Gangrel Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

New Blood: Gangrel

Regular price $19.00 SGD
New Blood: Brujah Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

New Blood: Brujah

Regular price $19.00 SGD
New Blood: Banu Haqim Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Black Chantry

New Blood: Banu Haqim

Regular price $19.00 SGD
First Blood: Tremere (2019) Tremere Black Chantry

First Blood: Tremere (2019)

Regular price $14.00 SGD
Sabbat: Pact with Nephandi - Tremere Preconstructed Deck Sabbat Black Chantry

Sabbat: Pact with Nephandi - Tremere Preconstructed Deck

Regular price $34.00 SGD
Sabbat: Libertine Ball - Toreador Preconstructed Deck Sabbat Black Chantry

Sabbat: Libertine Ball - Toreador Preconstructed Deck

Regular price $34.00 SGD
Sabbat: Den of Fiends - Tzimisce Preconstructed Deck Sabbat Black Chantry

Sabbat: Den of Fiends - Tzimisce Preconstructed Deck

Regular price $34.00 SGD
Heirs to the Blood: Bundle 2 Expansions Black Chantry

Heirs to the Blood: Bundle 2

Regular price $37.00 SGD
Heirs to the Blood: Bundle 1 Expansions Black Chantry

Heirs to the Blood: Bundle 1

Regular price $37.00 SGD
Keepers of Tradition: Bundle 2 Expansions Black Chantry

Keepers of Tradition: Bundle 2

Regular price $37.00 SGD
Keepers of Tradition: Bundle 1 Expansions Black Chantry

Keepers of Tradition: Bundle 1

Regular price $37.00 SGD
Anthology 1 Expansions Black Chantry

Anthology 1

Regular price $34.00 SGD
5th Edition: The Ministry The Ministry Black Chantry

5th Edition: The Ministry

Regular price $34.00 SGD
5th Edition: Brujah Brujah Black Chantry

5th Edition: Brujah

Regular price $34.00 SGD
