Middle-Earth: Armies Of The Lord Of The Rings (2024)
RELEASE DATE 14/12/2024
From the plains of Rohan and the great cities of Gondor, to the very darkest reaches of Mordor, gather your forces and prepare to do battle with your opponent in a test of generalship, strategy, and tactics. This 240-page hardback gaming supplement features over 150 profiles, 27 forces of Good Army Lists, and 19 forces of Evil Army Lists.
Forces of Good: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.
– 25x Free Peoples profiles
– 22x Rohan profiles
– 25x Gondor profiles
– 15x Elven Kingdoms profiles
Good Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, additional rules, and special rules for the following 27 armies – The Fellowship, The Shire, Road to Rivendell, Breaking of the Fellowship, Kingdom of Rohan, Road to Helm's Deep, Defenders of Helm's Deep, Ride Out, Riders of Éomer, Riders of Théoden, Army of Edoras, Defenders of the Hornburg, Minas Tirith, Garrison of Ithilien, Reclamation of Osgiliath, Atop the Walls, Return of the King, Defenders of the Pelennor, Men of the West, Númenor, Lindon, Rivendell, The Last Alliance, Lothlórien, Fangorn, The Eagles, and Realms of Men.
Forces of Evil: Unit profiles, special rules, wargear, options, and Heroic Actions for the following units.
– 25x Mordor profiles
– 23x Isengard profiles
– 8x Hill Tribes profiles
– 5x Misty Mountains profiles
– 8x Fallen Realms profiles
Evil Army Lists: Photography, background information, army composition, and additional rules for the following 19 armies – Barad-dûr, The Black Riders, Wraiths on Wings, Army of Gothmog, Legions of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Army of the White Hand, Lutz's Scouts, Uglúk's Scouts, Wolves of Isengard, Muster of Isengard, Assault Upon Helm's Deep, Usurpers of Edoras, Besiegers of the Hornburg, Depths of Moria, Harad, and Corsair Fleets.