Marvel Crisis Protocol: Brotherhood Of Mutants Affiliation Pack
Many a mutant has turned to the X-Men for a steady hand and calm home. But many others aren't seeking peace; and where there are mutants looking for a bedlam, the Brotherhood of Mutant's door is always open. Revenge, justice, or even a simple love of action could motivate members to join. The Brotherhood of Mutants has a roster as diverse as their shifting goals, and the raw power to back up any punches they throw.
Plastic components.
6 Miniatures
‣ 1 Magneto
‣ 1 Mystique
‣ 1 Sabretooth
‣ 1 Toad
‣ 2 Metal Constructs
2 Round Scenic Bases (50mm)
8 Round Scenic Bases (35mm)
4 Character Stat Cards
7 Team Tactic Cards
1 Crisis Card
Plastic components.
6 Miniatures
‣ 1 Magneto
‣ 1 Mystique
‣ 1 Sabretooth
‣ 1 Toad
‣ 2 Metal Constructs
2 Round Scenic Bases (50mm)
8 Round Scenic Bases (35mm)
4 Character Stat Cards
7 Team Tactic Cards
1 Crisis Card